507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com

507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
The Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area (RCRCA) is an eight county non-regulatory joint powers organization which was established in 1983. RCRCA works to enhance and protect the Redwood and Cottonwood Rivers by making land use changes that improve water quality.
Its purpose is to develop and implement plans for the Redwood and Cottonwood watersheds to:
protect property, streams and lakes from sedimentation and pollution;
maintain and improve the quality of water in streams, lakes and ground water;
protect property from flood damages;
control erosion of land; and
improve recreational and wildlife opportunities.
These points are summarized in our mission statement: RCRCA, in cooperation with partner groups and landowners, works to improve water quality, reduce erosion, and enhance recreational opportunities by providing education, outreach, monitoring and technical assistance within the watershed boundaries.
Members include the counties and soil and water conservation districts of Brown, Cottonwood, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Redwood, and Yellow Medicine. It is governed by a sixteen member Board of Director's that meet monthly. RCRCA is a recognized leader in watershed management, working with local, state and federal agencies, as well as private foundations to distribute information, and to finance and carry out programs of benefit to the two watersheds.
Joint Area II/RCRCA Meetings are the first Thursday of the month alternating between Marshall & Redwood Falls.
April 3, 2025 - Board Meeting - 9:00 AM
Redwood Learning Center/Hybrid
May 1, 2025 - Board Meeting - 9:00 AM
Lyon Government Center/Hybrid
June 5, 2025 - Board Meeting - 9:00 AM
Redwood Learning Center/Hybrid
2025 Canoe Trips
Redwood & Cottonwood River Canoe Trips are normally the 3rd week of June. Please check back in April-Early June to seen when they will be scheduled.
Meeting Locations:
Lyon County Commissioner's Room - Lyon County Courthouse, 607 W. Main, Marshall, MN 56258
Redwood Government Center - Learning Center, 501 S. Mill Street, Redwood Falls, MN 56283
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00 to 4:30
RCRCA has four canoes and four kayaks that are available for rent to explore the Redwood and Cottonwood watersheds. We also have a trailer for both the canoes and the kayaks that are available for use.
Rental Fees:
Canoes - $10 per day - 2 paddles and 2 life jackets are included.
Kayaks - $5 per day - paddle and life jacket is included.
Deposit of $50 per canoe or kayak rented. Deposit is refunded when the canoe or kayak is returned in good condition.
Please call our office in advance to check availability and make arrangements to pick them up.
Phone: 507-532-1325 office.
RCRCA - Canoe/Kayak Rental Agreement below for when you are renting the equipment.
2025 Canoe Trips will be on mid to late June, planning will start in April-May 2025.
There is no rental fees on our annual canoe trip.
Canoe Trip flyer and the liability waiver are below.
We have a new route for the Cottonwood River -
Sanborn to Springfield.
Cottonwood Middle Minnesota Watershed - On behalf of the Policy Committee for the Cottonwood-Middle Minnesota Watershed, we are pleased to present the Comprehensive Water Management Plan for Formal Review.
The review period will begin today (July 1) and go through August 30th.
Sincerest thanks are extended to everyone who had a part in the planning process.
Cottonwood-Middle Minnesota Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
The Cottonwood-Middle Minnesota Policy Committee, including the counties and Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) of Brown, Cottonwood, Lyon, Redwood, and Murray, the City of Springfield, the Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area (RCRCA) and Area II Minnesota River Basin Projects (Area II), is holding a Public Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at the Springfield Area Community Center at 33 S Cass Ave, Springfield, MN 56087. The Public Hearing will be in regard to the draft Cottonwood-Middle Minnesota Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan.
Information will be presented and discussed regarding the draft watershed plan for the Cottonwood-Middle Minnesota Watershed, which covers portions of Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Murray, Redwood, and Lyon Counties. This Plan was out for 60-day review from July 1 – August 30, 2024. Any interested person(s) is invited to attend the hearing and submit comments, written or verbal, that will become part of the official public hearing record. These comments will be considered when making final revisions to the Plan. Written comments will also be accepted in writing by September 17, 2024, to Kerry Netzke at 1424 East College Drive, Suite 300, Marshall, MN 56258, or via email to kerry.netzke@rcrca.com.
A copy of the current draft plan is available at https://rcrca.com/cw-mm-1w1p-planning-grant. A hard copy of the draft plan is available upon request at the Lyon Soil and Water Conservation District at 1424 East College Drive, Suite 600, Marshall, MN during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
RCRCA received a planning grant for the Cottonwood-Middle Minnesota One Watershed One Plan. More information under Grants - RR - 1W1P page.
2024 Canoe Trips
The Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area (RCRCA) hosted two trips down the Redwood River on June 18th and the Cottonwood River on June 20th.
June 18th - Redwood River - Launching at County Road 6, where the Redwood River crosses CR 6. Drop off equipment at launch site, drive to Perks Park in Redwood Falls. We will bus you to the launch site.
9:30 AM Registration - Launching at 10:00 AM
We have a new route on the June 20th - Cottonwood River - Launching at Sanborn Soldiers & Sailors City Park, canoeing to Springfield Riverside Park. Leave your equipment in Sanborn and drive to Springfield.
We will bus you to the launch site.
9:30 AM Registration - Launching at 10:00 AM
While searching for a new route on the Cottowood River, we found a log jam. We are working with the DNR agencies to get the log jam cleared for passage. They have assured us it will be done by June 20th.
Give us a call to line up equipment and/or register for the trip. It's a lot of fun on the river.
June 10th is the deadline for registration.
For more information on the 2024 trips, please visit www.rcrca.com or our Facebook page.
If you wish to be on the mailing list for the trips please contact us at joy.bruns@rcrca.com or 507-532-1325.
More information under Grants - Lake Redwood Reclamation
The Michael B. dredge being removed from Lake Redwood, the dredging is complete October 24, 2022.
First boat on the lake within 3 hours of opening the lake!
Young fishermen fishing on Lake Redwood when Lake Redwood was opened up.
First walleye caught in Lake Redwood by a young fisherman! The Reclamation Project is a success!
December 2022 - Twelve Fishermen were trying their luck on the ice.