507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
The Minnesota River-Mankato watershed, also referred to as the Middle Minnesota, will be assessed starting in 2024. As part of that process, Intensive Watershed Monitoring (IWM) is done to collect biological and chemistry data on the watershed’s lakes, streams and rivers. MPCA contracts with several local governments to help collect the needed chemistry data to determine if these waters continue to be impaired or have improved in the 10-year period since they were initially assessed.
In 2024 and 2025, RCRCA will collect water chemistry samples from 3 stream sites (Crow Creek, Spring Creek and Wabasha Creek) within the Minnesota River-Mankato watershed.
From May through September of 2024, 11 samples will be collected from Crow Creek and 12 samples will be collected from both Spring Creek and Wabasha Creek.
For 2025, 8 samples will be collected from Crow Creek and 9 samples from both Spring Creek and Wabasha Creek from May through September.
2024_MiddleMinnesota_ChemData (pdf)
Download2024_MiddleMinnesota_FieldData (pdf)
DownloadMNatMorton_2024_4web (pdf)
DownloadMNatMorton_2023_4web (pdf)
DownloadMN@Morton_2022_4web (pdf)
DownloadMN@Morton_2021_4web (pdf)
Download2020-MN@Morton_4web (pdf)
Download2019-MN@Morton-4web (pdf)
DownloadMN@Morton_2018_ChemData (pdf)
DownloadMN@Morton_2018_FieldData (pdf)
DownloadMN@Morton_2017_4web (pdf)
DownloadMN@Morton_2016_4web (pdf)
DownloadMN@Morton_2015_4web (pdf)