507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
Soil Health - Sediment - Implement cover corps, no-till, and/or low-till management techniques to improve soil health and increase water storage capacity of soils.
Storage - Sediment - Implement practices such as grassed waterways, wetland restoration, and water and sediment control basins to store and slow down the flow of water.
Slope Stabilization - Sediment - Implement slope stabilization and riparian buffer practices in high slope areas to address soil loss and slow overland runoff.
Manure & Septic Management - Bacteria - Implement appropriate combination of education, inspections, BMP construction, and upgrades with individual producers and owners.
Biotic - Implement strategies above to address biotic stressors.
Subwatershed Size: 33,171 acres
Upstream Subwatersheds: None
52% Redwood
36% Cottonwood
12% Murray
Walnut Grove
Major Waterbodies:
Pell Creek
County Ditch No. 28
Elevation Change:
Maximum Elevation: 1,431 ft.
Minimum Elevation: 1,061 ft.
Longitudinal Barriers:
2 Partial/Seasonal Barriers
This grant provides up to 75% cost-share specifically to this watershed. If Plum Creek federal 319 funds remain, they may be used on this grant as well.
Goal: 300 Tons/year of sediment removed.
Current: 470.69 tons/year.
Match Required: $162,018.75.
Match To Date: $128,807.04
Grant Amount = $648,075.00
Total Project Costs = $474,003.38
Grant Expended = $336,603.98
Landowner Match Provided = $ 128,807.04
Other Federal Funds = $ 18,124.56
Acre-Feet of Storage Created = 0.00
Tons/Year of Sediment Removed = 470.69