507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
The Cottonwood and Redwood Rivers were conducted at the same time. Watershed monitoring and data collection in the Redwood River Watershed was conducted in 2017 - 2018. MPCA’s Environmental Analysis and Outcomes Division expanded data collection to include extensive fish and aquatic invertebrate surveys. Analysis of the monitoring data followed to determine impairments, identify stressors causing those impairments, develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for impaired waters, identify pollutant sources, and utilize computer modeling and other techniques with stakeholder involvement to set water quality goals. Strategies to restore impaired waters and protect unimpaired waters were developed for future implementation by state and local governments, citizen organizations, businesses, and individuals as the process transitions into One Watershed, One Plan with prioritized, targeted and measurable goals for the Cottonwood River watershed. A grant of $200,000 was administered by RCRCA to oversee this process. The Redwood River TMDL and WRAPS documents will be Public Noticed Summer 2022.
An application for a One Watershed, One Plan planning grant is anticipated in Summer 2023. If successful, Redwood River watershed planning would begin in Fall 2023.
For more information, use the link below:
Pictured on the right:
Jeff Strom, Wenck Associates and Mike Weckwerth, MPCA with a mirrored carp and 26 pound carp discovered while electrofishing School Grove Lake. Estimating the rough fish population can help determine if excess phosphorus in the lake is attributed to that population or lake sediments.
Jeff Strom, Wenck Associates and Mike Weckwerth, MPCA electrofishing at School Grove Lake.