507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
507-532-1325 Email: joy.bruns@rcrca.com
Surface water sampling on the main stem of the Redwood River and two of its tributaries (Clear Creek and Three Mile Creek) continue each growing season (May through September). Monitoring at each of the sites will extend throughout the implementation phase of the Redwood River Clean Water Partnership Grant. Samples are collected during two year storm events on a four hour interval. Grab samples are taken from Lake Redwood at monthly intervals. Base flow samples are monthly throughout the growing season. Data collected at these stations is analyzed and reviewed to identify trends. Water quality data plays an important role in assessing watershed improvements.
WPLMN Monitoring Sites
Clear Creek in city of Seaforth, ¼ mile above mouth of Clear Creek on south side of township road 56. Location: NW ¼, SW ¼, section 29, Sheridan Township, Redwood County.
Lake Redwood in the city of Redwood Falls, MN, by Perks Park. Location: N ½, NW ¼, of section 1, Redwood Falls Township, Redwood County.
Redwood River at 300th Street. (downstream of Marshall) 0.50 miles northeast of Marshall.
Location: NW1/4, NE1/4, section 27, Fairview Township, Lyon County.
Redwood River approximately 3 miles above Lake Redwood, 3 miles southwest of Redwood Falls on county road 17 on west side of highway bridge. Location: SE ¼, NE ¼, section 9, Redwood Falls Township, Redwood County. Presently site of a United States Geological Survey (USGS) station.
Redwood River at North 2nd. Street in the city of Russell. Location SE1/4, NW1/4, Section 19, Lyons Township, Lyon County.
Approximately 6 miles upstream of mouth on east side of county road 67, one mile north of Green Valley. Location: SW ¼, NW ¼, section 2, Fairview Township, Lyon County.
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